Choose the level that’s right for you! Join or Renew today to save 20% on your membership with promo code MBNOV24.
$89 $70
Core member benefits for 1 named adult and 1 guest
$175 $140
Core member benefits for 2 adults and any 4 children
$219 $175 - BEST VALUE!
Core member benefits for 2 adults, any 4 children, and 2 guests
Friends Circle
$400 $320
Core member benefits for 2 adults, any 4 children, and 2 guests, plus:
- 2 free tickets to each special ticketed exhibition, including The Art of the Brick
- 4 single-visit Franklin Institute parking garage vouchers ($100 value)
- Set of 4 general admission passes to share with family or friends ($100 value)
Patrons Circle
$600 $480
Friends Circle level benefits, plus:
- 4 additional general admission passes (total of 8, $200 value)
Discoverers Circle
$1,000 $800
Patrons Circle level benefits, plus:
- 4 additional general admission passes (total of 12, $300 value)