The age of secrets in arts and trades has nearly passed away; in these pursuits, as well as in that of commerce, liberal views are generally entertained, and a free and open intercourse is acknowledged to be the best policy. The Journal will be a ready vehicle for enquiries and replies upon all subjects within its purview; and will enable the artisan and others, to obtain information which might otherwise be sought in vain.
-The Franklin Journal and American Mechanics’ Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 1826
As the second oldest continuously published peer-reviewed journal in the U.S., the Journal of The Franklin Institute has been connected to The Franklin Institute since 1826.
At its core, the journal has been an avenue for providing access to scientific discoveries directly to the public. Over the years, the journal’s content has ebbed and flowed; from all forms of scientific innovations and knowledge to its current focus in the fields of engineering and applied mathematics.
Originally known as The Franklin Journal and American Mechanic’s Magazine before taking on its current title, the journal was initially used to record monthly Institute board meeting minutes, keep track of membership and disseminate discoveries across all fields of scientific research. In 1828, the journal became the official publication that listed patents issued by the US government. By the early 1830’s, the journal relied almost entirely on Institute members for its content.
The journal has also been used to record the meetings and findings of The Franklin Institute's Committee on Science and the Arts (CS&A), as well as the annually selected laureates (established in 1824). To this day, the journal continues to publish the case reports of the laureates showcasing their significant contributions and impact on the fields of science and engineering.
Today, the journal remains one of the top publications for current topics in the fields of engineering and applied mathematics. Our editorial board consists of over 90 members from all over the world. These board members dedicate their time and expertise through a rigorous review process to ensure that quality content is published under the Journal of The Franklin Institute.
More information about the Journal of The Franklin Institute, and how to submit a manuscript, can be found here.
All issues of the Journal of The Franklin Institute are available on ScienceDirect.

In 2022, The Franklin Institute, along with Publisher Elsevier, Inc., launched Franklin Open, a Gold Open Access online journal, as an extension of the Journal of The Franklin Institute.
Franklin Open was created to continue the legacy of our 200 years of history, into the growing publishing practices of the future. The goal of Franklin Open is to provide a sustainable platform for new research to be widely disseminated from all voices in the scientific and academic communities.
As an extension of the Journal of The Franklin Institute, our new Open Access journal will also focus on promoting advancements within the fields of engineering and applied mathematics, with emphasis in topics such as control systems, robotics, data science, and signal processing. By focusing on broader topics within these fields, Franklin Open hopes to seek out new authors and expand the reach of The Franklin Institute.
More information about Franklin Open, and how to submit a manuscript, can be found here.
All issues of Franklin Open are available on ScienceDirect.