Looking for more information about the upcoming solar eclipse?
Here’s a list TFI Chief Astronomer Derrick Pitts’ favorite sites. From maps to live streams, weather info and video, we've rounded up all the information you need to plan a great viewing experience for this year's partial annular eclipse and the total solar eclipse coming up next April. Still can’t find what you want to know? Send a tweet to @CoolAstronomer!
Great American Eclipse
The most comprehensive solar eclipse information center for this particular eclipse. The best maps and the best links to other resources.
Mr. Eclipse
Actually Fred Espenak, the now-retired webmaster of NASA’s eclipse information website. Lots more user-friendly resources here. Mr. Eclipse has created an informational site all about the August 21st solar eclipse.
For October 14, 2023
For April 8, 2024
Details for your Location?
TimeandDate.com has easy-to-understand specific information for your location.
NASA Eclipse Web Site
NASA’s website with information on all eclipses from 1900 through 2100.
Video: Fly with the Eclipse Shadow!
Preview the path of the eclipse across the US through this simulated flight cross-continental flight.
Stream the Eclipses
Can’t go to totality or your weather’s not cooperating? The Exploratorium team has you covered with an excellent eclipse streaming service – free!
Eclipse Megamovie 2024
Become part of the megaproject! Just enter your location. Look over the site for information about the project and how to shoot images or video of the event.
Eclipse Smartphone Photography
Use Solar Snap on your smartphone to get great shots of the eclipse!
Eclipse Viewing Glasses
At the very least, you’ll need specialty glasses to watch the entire event safely. They’re not expensive, are tested and approved, and offer the highest quality optics. The only catch: you MUST get them NOW before supplies get scarce! My personal favorite? EclipseGlasses.com!