Case Files: William D. Coolidge (Vaccum Tube)

Photograph of Coolidge, Lantern Slide.

Case File Catalog Summary

William David Coolidge grew up on a farm in Massachusetts and obtained a scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1891. The 1927 Edward Levy Medal was awarded to Coolidge for his paper on "The Production of High-Voltage Cathode Rays Outside of the Generating Tube." The paper appeared in the December 1926 Journal of The Franklin Institute. A year before, Coolidge was awarded the Potts Medal for his Coolidge Tube, a new and improved vacuum tube for the production of x-rays.

The William D. Coolidge presentation was made possible by support from The Barra Foundation and Unisys.

Read about the Committee on Science and the Arts investigation of William Coolidge’s invention, the Coolidge tube.

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